These special memberships and class packages are wonderful opportunities to save some money and invest in our future together as an inclusive, supportive, and compassionate community. We all benefit from this yoga that we love.
We see you and are always so happy every time you come to class!
We take the time to know your name, and over time, more and more about your yoga practice. We are able to do this in part because we truly are a small, independent yoga school.
We are 100% dedicated to this yoga and to your all-around health and well-being. We are so greatly appreciative of your contributions to help us thrive and continue to grow together as a true community. All that said, we're excited to tell you about the deals we’ve carefully put together, whether you are a long-time student or someone looking for a quick gift. We have added lots of perks, making these a great value. Don’t miss out. These deals will only be available for a week - 11/24-12/1.
1 Year Membership
12 months
$1,221 (Value $1600)
4 buddy passes! (Value $120)
1 free workshop (Value $40)
Savings of up to $539!
Only 11 available!
5 Year SUPREME Membership :)
ONLY 5 available!
5 years of unlimited classes!
$6000 ($8000 Value, works out to $1200 per year)
Includes 1 drop-in buddy pass per month ($1800 Value @ $30/ day pass)
Includes 1 workshop or private class per year (excluding Mary Jarvis) ($40-120 Value each year)
Free CHY T-shirt ($25 Value)
Free CHY water bottle ($32 Value)
One unique gift -Special CHY Hoodie! ($80 Value)
Savings and value of added perks of up to $4537!
6 Class Pack
Buy 5 classes get 1 free
$108 (3 month exp. From first class)
Savings of $72!
Great little gift.
Purchase here:
